Sterling Rock Financial

Financial Advisers

Sterling Rock Financial

22 The Tything, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 1HD  (Show me directions)

01905 7...Landline    Landline   

  Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 17:00 , Saturday to Sunday: Closed



Sterlingrockmortgages   @sterling_rock22  

  Amex, Bank Transfer, Mastercard, Visa


Building you a solid foundation
Whether you are a first time-buyer looking to purchase your first home, looking to 'climb the ladder' and move home, or you are happily settled in your home and simply want to refinance and secure a new product, or a lower rate of interest, we can help.

We offer mortgages from the whole of the market and therefore we are in the perfect position to help you select the right mortgage package that suits you. Whether you are looking to buy a new home or to protect your current mortgage repayments, we will offer you the most suitable advice.

Solid protection, for whatever happens
Many mortgage lenders make home insurance compulsory when securing a mortgage. Your home/house is often the biggest investment you will make in your life. So getting the right insurance in place for your home is essential.

Buildings and contents insurance may sound straightforward, however it is vital to remember that the cost of replacing everything that you own at the same time could be a huge financial burden for you and your family.

Taking care of your loved ones
For most people, planning for the future means ensuring that their loved ones are protected financially in the event of their death.

Taking out a life insurance policy is the easiest way to guarantee that your family will be able to pay off any large debts such as a mortgage as well as leaving them money to live on after you've gone.

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